New Spotlights on Cambodia

19 Jan 2023

APR2P has supported the Cambodian Institute for Cooperation and Peace (CICP) to organise and run a series of events exploring R2P and atrocity prevention as it relates to Cambodia and other ASEAN member States.

The first reflected on the transitional justice systems of States around the world, and paid particular attention to the Khmer Rouge Tribunal, and its potential role in Cambodia's future.

The other examined the ongoing war in Ukraine, and the implications for both R2P and wider international law. It also analysed the actions of Cambodia and ASEAN members in response to the war, and what possible implications this could have in the future. 

The Spotlight articles can be read in the Cambodia section of the R2P in the Asia Pacific page, or from our Spotlights page, along with other Spotlight articles on R2P within the Asia Pacific.

