International Women's Day Panel Discussion "March Forward" and the Brisbane launch of "Women's Voices from the Revolution"
Join UQ's Asia Pacific Centre for the Responsibility to Protect and the School of Political Science and International Studies this International Women's Day for a special panel discussion focusing on women in Myanmar and the launch of ALTSEAN-Burma's "Women's Voices from the Revolution".
The book will be officially launched by ALTSEAN-Burma representatives Debbie Stothard, a prominent human rights advocate and former Secretary-General of the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH), and May Kim, the book's contributing writer, translator and producer.
Joining Debbie and May as panel members, we are delighted to welcome Noor Azizah, co-founder and director of the Rohingya Maìyafuìnor Collaborative Network. This organisation is women-led, Rohingya-led and refugee-led, focusing on Rohingya human rights issues, SGBV, education and translocal solidarity.
The discussion will be chaired by Professor Katrina Lee Koo, Head of School, School of Political Science and International Studies, The University of Queensland.
Light refreshments will be provided following the discussion.
We look forward to supporting women in Myanmar with you on International Women’s Day.