Membership to APPAP is open to non-governmental, civil society and educational organisations in the Asia Pacific region, who are committed to preventing atrocity crimes - genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity, and the incitement of such crimes.  

APPAP invites Expressions of Interest (PDF, 98KB) from organisations dedicated to human rights wishing to add their voice to atrocity prevention and the promotion of R2P.

Applications will be considered by existing members.

By joining APPAP, partners commit to:

  • The prevention of genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity and the protection of vulnerable populations
  • Participating in decision-making about APPAP activities
  • Engaging in the activities of APPAP and promoting this work
  • Abiding by the collective decisions of the Partnership
  • Supporting implementation of APPAP plans and decisions 
  • Representing the interests and views of APPAP 

Please email the APPAP Secretariat at for more information.