Following the release of the APR2P's reports on atrocity prevention and R2P in the Pacific (PDF, 1.1MB) and the links between climate change and atrocity crimes (PDF, 1.6MB), we are pleased to launch the R2P Pacific Project, which will aim to strengthen partnerships in the region with civil society, NGOs and governments. Under the project, the Centre intends to support projects that contribute to atrocity prevention and link with priorities in the region including climate change, gender based violence, and human rights monitoring.
Leading this work will be the APR2P Pacific Director, Mr Romulo Nayacalevu. Mr Nayacalevu is an experienced human rights practitioner, trainer, lawyer and advisor to Pacific Island governments and NGOs, who has been active in advocating for human rights promotion and protection including the ratification of the Rome Statute among Pacific states, monitoring human rights and strengthening legislation to protect civil freedoms. Romulo previously worked at the Melanesian Spearhead Group Secretariat, the Pacific Community’s Regional Rights Resource Team and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Regional Office for the Pacific. We are buoyed to have Romulo assist the APR2P Centre in pursuing the atrocity prevention agenda in the Pacific.

As part of this project, on 3-4 November 2021, 30 civil society organisations in Fiji held an inaugural workshop co-hosted by the Fiji Council of Social Services and APR2P focusing on R2P and atrocity prevention. The outcome statement of this workshop and its associated recommendations can be viewed here (PDF, 692KB).
The following Spotlight articles detail further efforts by APR2P and its partners in the Pacific to contribute to atrocity prevention within the region.
SPOTLIGHT PACIFIC: Regional Security and the Responsibility to Protect Seminar in Fiji (PDF, 2.5MB), February 2023.
Fiji Civil Society Workshop on Atrocity Prevention and the Responsibility to Protect (PDF, 910KB), March 2022.
Regional Capacity Building, Training for Human Rights Defenders on Atrocity Prevention and Protection Strategies, (PDF, 2.6MB), March 2022.
Translations of the UN Declaration A/RES/53/144: Declaration on the Right and Responsibility of Individuals, Groups and Organs of Society to Promote and Protect Universally Recognized Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (PDF, 31KB) has been provided in the local languages of Papua New Guinea, Fiji and Vanuatu.
Papua New Guinea (Tok Pisin) (PDF, 265KB) (informal translation).
Fiji (iTaukei) (PDF, 194KB) (informal translation).
Vanuatu (Bislama) (PDF, 203KB) (informal translation).