Dr. Melinda Rankin

Dr Melinda Rankin is a Research Fellow at the School of Political Science and International Studies, The University of Queensland.
Rankin's current research program, titled Conceptualising De facto International Prosecutors in a Global Era, explores the role of 'de facto international prosecutors' as an emerging phenomenon. They are 'private' non-state actors (including witnesses and victims of core crimes), as well as state legal 'officials' in foreign courts, that adopt the practices of the offices of international prosecutors. The program examines the practices, innovations and strategies de facto international prosecutors adopt, and shows how witnesses and victims of core crimes emerge as key leaders in the accountability process. As a part of this broader program, Melinda also leads a project, titled 'The Nuremberg Effect,' supported by the Gerda Henkel Stiftung. This project investigates how non-state actors have historically drawn upon the Nuremberg Trials as a type of template to pursue those most responsible for core international crimes. In particular, it focuses on those non-state actors who pursue accountability in foreign courts exercising universal jurisdiction