Online Courses and Learning Opportunities

There is a variety of opportunities for current students and recent graduates, to gain experience at a research centre.

We are proud to be part of the School of Political Science and International Studies' development of students who are critical and independent problem-solvers who will be able to meet current and future global challenges. Furthermore, the Centre has information for those wishing to learn more about the Responsibility to Protect and how it applies to practical policies of atrocity prevention.


Module 1 Introduction to R2P


PhD Opportunities

The Centre is committed to developing a thriving PhD community and welcomes applications from prospective students interested in undertaking their PhD at the Centre.

Find more information about PhD opportunities and applying for a higher degree by research or contact Centre Director Dr Sarah Teitt at

Research Fellowships

For students or young professionals with experience doing research who wish to undertake a research project with the Centre, we offer the possibility of a fellowship. The Centre particularly welcomes research proposals in our priority areas: Regional Diplomacy and R2P; Genocide and Mass Atrocities Prevention (including the prevention of widespread and systematic gender and sexual-based violence) and R2P norm-building and doctrinal development.

Internships for academic credit

Undergraduate students enrolled at the University of Queensland, School of Political Science and International Studies (POLSIS) may undertake an internship with the Centre for credit towards their degree, subject to the fulfillment of requirements for POLS3801 (Internship).

Postgraduate students enrolled in an eligible Masters coursework program can also undertake an internship with the Centre through POLS7521 (Internship ).

For information on prerequisites and how to apply for an internship for university credit, first consult the POLSIS internship guidelines for the respective program/course and email an enquiry to

Volunteer internships

For students and young professionals who are not enrolling in an internship for academic credit at the Centre it may be possible to undertake a volunteer internship to observe and participate in the workings of the Centre. Please email the Centre Manager Arna Chancellor with an expression of interest at

Volunteer internships are designed to provide interns with a greater understanding and practical, guided experience in working at research centre in the fields of international relations, peace and conflict studies and public policy. Volunteer interns may be exposed to research, outreach and advocacy, event coordination and communication activities of the Centre. Volunteer internships can be undertaken by undergraduate and postgraduate students from any university, members of civil society organisations or equally qualified members of the public. 

Volunteer internships are offered with a flexible commitment of at least one day a week for 10 weeks, depending on the volunteer's availability. We aim to be  flexible to fit in with volunteers' other commitments and the Centre's supervisors' availability. 



2022 Webinar: Myanmar's Representation at the UN, by APR2P and the Myanmar Acountability Project. 

2021 Webinar: The Powers of the UN General Assembly to Prevent and Halt Mass Atrocity Crimes, by the Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect.

2021 Launch Event: The Powers of the UN General Assembly to Prevent and Respond to Atrocity Crimes.

APR2P and The Melanesian Spearhead Group: Workshop on Atrocity Prevention and the Responsibility to Protect (R2P) 

APR2P and the Centre for Strategic and International Studies: Collaboration for Atrocity Prevention in Myanmar and Beyond

APR2P and the Myanmar Accountability Project: Myanmar's Representation at the UN

APR2P: Introduction to the Responsibility to Protect and Atrocity Crimes

APR2P: Networks for Youth in Atrocity Prevention

APR2P: Understanding Sexual and Gender Based Violence in Mass Atrocity Crimes (Youth)

APR2P: SGBV Mass Atrocity Crimes Webinar

APPAP Gender and Atrocity Prevention Working Group: Intersecting Vulnerabilities, Converging Transformative Agency: Women Peace and Security in the Time of COVID-19, Part 1

APPAP Gender and Atrocity Prevention Working Group: Intersecting Vulnerabilities, Converging Transformative Agency: Women Peace and Security in the Time of COVID-19, Part 2

APR2P Philippines Office: WEBINAR: The Relevance of of Transitional Justice in the Time of COVID-19 A Conversation

Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect: The Powers of the UN General Assembly to Prevent and Halt Mass Atrocity Crimes

APR2P funded a webinar series in conjunction with the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR) Indonesia entitled Rights to Effective Remedy. This series discussed a range of human rights issues within ASEAN countries and the possibilities for solving them. Topics includied violent extremism, sexual violence, disability rights and the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on the promotion of human rights. The webinars were streamed live on AICHR Indonesia's Facebook page.

AICHR Indonesia: The Rights to an Effective Remedy for Victims of Violence Extremism: Existing Practices, Gaps, Challenges and Ways Forwards

AICHR Indonesia: Advancing the Protection of Disability Rights in ASEAN in the Context of Post-Pandemic

AICHR Indonesia: Best Practices, Lesson Learnt, Challenges and Ways Forward in implementing CRPD approaches and principles during pandemic: right to respect physical and mental integrity, right to education, right to work

AICHR Indonesia: A Conversation with AICHR Representatives II 

AICHR Indonesia: The Right to an Effective Remedy for Victims of Sexual Violence: Existing Practices, Gaps, Challenges and Ways Forwards

AICHR Indonesia: Best Practices, Lessons Learnt, Challenges and Ways Forward in implementing CRPD approaches and principles during pandemic: advancing human rights through digital technology

AICHR Indonesia: The Right to an Effective Remedy for Rohingya (Gross Human Rights Violations): Existing Practices, Gaps, Challenges and Ways Forwards

AICHR Indonesia: The Right to an Effective Remedy in Business and Human Rights and the Role of Companies: Existing Practices, Gaps, Challenges and Ways Forwards

AICHR Indonesia: Summary of the Series of Webinars on the Right to an Effective Remedy and Its Implementation in AMS: Recommendation for AICHR

Listen to podcasts by the Asia-Pacific Centre for the Responsibility to Protect.

The UNGA and Accountability in UkraineLaw and the Future of War, The University of Queensland. Discussion with Rebecca Barber on the power of the General Assembly and its role in providing accountability for actors in the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

Expert Voices on Atrocity Prevention Episode 9B: Rebecca BarberExpert Voices on Atrocity Prevention Podcast, Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect. Discussion with Rebecca Barber on the international response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine and the role of the General Assembly. 

From Russia With WarEJIL: The Podcast!, EJIL: Talk!. Rebecca Barber joins Dapo Akande, Philippa Webb, Marko Milanovic and Mike Becker to discuss the response by the General Assembly and the Security Council to Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

APR2P in conversation with recent BA/BLaw graduates

APR2P in conversation with recent BA/BLaw graduate Sophie Ryan, Taylor Toovey and Sophie Ryan, February 2020

Gender-based atrocity prevention in the Asia Pacific

Gender-based atrocity prevention in the Asia Pacific, with Dr. Sarah Teitt and Taylor Toovey, 20 December 2019.

World Peace (And How We Can Achieve It)

World Peace (And How We Can Achieve It), with Professor Alex J. Bellamy and Taylor Toovey, 8 October 2019

APR2P Broadcast from Jakarta

APR2P Broadcast from Jakarta, Indonesia, August 2019

What is 'survivor-centred'? International Day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence in Conflict Panel Discussion

What is 'survivor-centred'? International Day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence in Conflict Panel Discussion, 19 June, 2019.


Four Steps Closer to World Peace

Four Steps Closer to World Peace is a toolkit with practical tools, histories and knowledge that can facilitate the work of young people working to improve the world they’ll grow old in. It is particularly useful for youth working in atrocity prevention, human rights advocacy, peace-building and peace-keeping, yet it can also be used by anyone hoping to build a peaceful world.

Four Steps Closer is not an exhaustive toolkit, it's a summary of important research, tools and concepts that are essential for everyday peace-building and are applicable to both personal and professional situations.

This toolkit was developed for young people in Myanmar, with the financial and/or in kind support and supervision from  the Asia Pacific Centre for the Responsibility to Protect, ALTSEAN-Burma, The Middle Path Group(Brisbane) and The Rotary Foundation.

The toolkit is dedicated to all the people who have stopped hoping for a better world and instead have decided to make it happen.

The toolkit can be downloaded from Google docs here.

If you are interested in a full Four Steps Closer workshop to support the work of your initiative or organisation, email or

Video Resources:

In English

In Burmese

APR2P is honoured to partner with the George Georges Scholarship Support Committee which provides an annual scholarship to support a UQ undergraduate student seeking to undertake a research project in an area relating to peace, nuclear disarmament, trade unionism, environmentalism, social justice, human rights, or other areas that reflect the values and goals of the late Senator George Georges.

The scholarship is supported from an endowment established through gifts from the Palm Sunday Rally for Peace and Nuclear Disarmament, and many individual and organisational donors, in recognition of the life and achievements of Senator George Georges. When the Palm Sunday Rally for Peace and Nuclear Disarmament organisation ceased operations, the George Georges Scholarship Support Committee assumed responsibility for managing these functions.

Past awardees:

  • 2024: Patrick van Dijk and Olivia Jones  

  • 2023: Indrani Bose and  Amelia Starky

  • 2022: Isobel Davies and Shayma Nejarj

  • 2021: Anna Whip

  • 2020: Erin Jory and Andries Armes-Venter

  • 2019: Not awarded

  • 2018: Sophie Ryan

  • 2017: Not awarded

  • 2016: John de Bhal

  • 2015: Rebekkaj Markey-Towler

See more on the 2018 scholarship recipent Ms Sophie Ryan.

In two videoes, Sophie Ryan discusses the importance of the George George’s Research Scholarship and the fight against sexual and gender-based violence in conflict regions, and Anna Whip showcases how the Research Scholarship furthered her interests in environmentalism and human rights.