In-depth reports examining R2P and related aspects of atrocity prevention and the protection of vulnerable populations are available here. These are written by the Centre's researchers, as well as in conjunction with our partners throughout the region.

Climate Change and Mass Attrocities: Towards a Blueprint for Future Research (PDF 3.0 MB) by Dr. Ben Parr

"A Forgotten Crisis' escalating in Myanmar: Assessing Atrocity risks for 2025 and Beyond (PDF 734 KB) by Nikki Marczak, Dr. Xuwan Ouyang and Dr. Sarah Teitt with assistance from Karoline Thomsen. 

Asia-Pacific Perspectives on Gender-Responsive Indicators for Atrocity Prevention May 2024 (PDF 4,8 MB) by Nikki Marczak, Associate Professor  Ma. Lourdes Veneracion-Rallonza and  Athena Charanne Presto

COVID-19 and Atrocities Prevention in East Asia: Update Report 2024 (PDF, 817 KB) By APR2P COVID-19 working group. 

A Framwork for Action for the Responsibility to Protect: A Resource for States (PDF, 2.2MB), by APR2P and GCR2P.

ASEAN and the Myanmar Humanitarian Crisis: Overcoming Challenges and Identifying Pathways (PDF, 1.4MB), by Professor Mely Caballero-Anthony.

Hte Speech Legislation in the Asia Pacific: A Compendium (PDF, 1.5MB), by Dr Kirril Shields and Matthew Forbes.

ASEAN and the Rohingya Crisis Since 2017: Dynamics, Challenges, and New Avenues for a More Effective Regional Response in Post-Coup Myanmar (PDF, 401KB), by Edmund Bon and Emily Wana.

Ad hoc and as usual: Thai Government's Responses to the Myanmar Crisis since the 2021 Coup (PDF, 977KB), by Bhanubhatra Jittiang, Worrawit Sirijintana, and Thanawit Wangpuchakane.

Overview of Gender Responsive Early Warning Systems - Progress and Gaps (PDF, 2.9MB), by Louise Allen.

R2P and the Support of Civilian Resistance in Myanmar (PDF, 543KB), March 2022, by Dr Cecilia Jacob and Dr Eglantine Staunton.

Assessment on the role of the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR) in Atrocities Prevention (PDF, 916KB), March 2022, by Dr Lina Alexandra.

Atrocity crimes in Myanmar? Assessing violence in the wake of the 1 February 2021 attempted coup (PDF, 1.1MB), September 2021, by Sophie Ryan and Genevieve Feely.

Gender-based atrocity crime prevention (PDF, 643KB), October 2021, by Louise Allen.

The Rome Statute in the Asia Pacific (PDF, 1.2MB), August 2021, by Yasmin Abraham and Angus Fraser.

Training Module: Gender and Preventing Violent Extremism in Asia: Participant Workbook (PDF, 14.3MB) and Facilitator Notes (PDF, 1.3MB), by Simon Bronitt and Dr Sarah Teitt.

COVID-19 and Implications for Atrocity Prevention: Lessons from East Asia (PDF, 6.5MB), by Prof. Mely Caballero-Anthony and Dr. Noel Morada.

Myanmar and the Responsibility to Protect (PDF, 471KB), April 2021, by Dr. Noel Morada.

The Powers of the UN General Assembly to Prevent and Respond to Atrocity Crimes: A Guidance Document (PDF, 2.6MB), April 2021, by Rebecca Barber.

Atrocity Prevention and the Responsibility to Protect in the Pacific: A Vision for 2021 - 2024 (PDF, 1.1MB), March 2021.

Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity in Xinjiang? Applying the Legal Tests (PDF, 1.4MB), November 2020.

Climate Change and Atrocity Crimes : The Challenge in the Pacific (PDF, 1.6MB),November 2020.

Using Universal Jurisdiction to Combat Impunity for Atrocity Crimes (PDF, 1.0MB), May 2020, by Sophie Ryan and Melanie Karibasic. 

COVID-19 and Atrocity Crime Prevention in the Asia Pacific (PDF, 216KB), April 2020.

Asia Pacific Countries at the 2019 UN General Assembly Plenary Meeting on the Responsibility to Protect (PDF, 225KB), March 2020.

Centralising Gender in Mass Atrocity Prevention: A Tool for Action in the Asia Pacific Region (PDF, 1.5MB), December 2019.

R2P in Pacific Organisations: A Background Report on the Secretariat of the Pacific Community and the Pacific Islands Forum (PDF, 400KB), December 2019.

Preventing and responding to conflict-related humanitarian crises: An Australian Checklist for Action (PDF, 10.6MB), January 2019.

Protecting Internally Displaced Persons: The Role Of National Legislation And Policies (PDF, 11.5MB), October 2018, by Dr. Phil Orchard.

The Rome Statute in the Asia Pacific (PDF, 2.3MB), 2017.

The Responsibility to Protect at 10: Progress, Challenges and Opportunties in the Asia Pacific (PDF, 1.9MB), February 2015 (Summary Report).

The Responsibility to Protect at 10: Progress, Challenges and Opportunties in the Asia Pacific (PDF, 2.7MB), February 2015 (Detailed Report).

The report of the High Level Advisory Panel on the Responsibility to Protect in Southeast Asia (PDF, 1.5MB), September, 2014. 

The United Nations and Mass Atrocity Prevention: A Review of Current and Potential Capacity (PDF, 859KB), June 2011, by Deborah Mayersen, Marissa Dooris and Briony Lipton.

Protecting the Responsibility to Protect: Canada, R2P, and the Need for Engagement in the Asia-Pacific (PDF, 781KB), June 2011, by Charles Aruliah.

The ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR) and the Responsibility to Protect: Opportunities and Constraints (PDF, 1.1MB), March 2011, by Catherine Drummond.

Legacies and Prevention of Genocide and Mass Atrocities in the Asia-Pacific: A Workshop Report (PDF, 1.2MB), March 2011, by Deborah Mayersen, Julia Mangelsdorf and Aishath Latheef.

The ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR) and the Responsibility to Protect: Development and Potential (PDF, 1.2MB), November 2010, by Catherine Drummond.

Mainstreaming the Responsibility to Protect in Peace Operations (PDF, 638KB), March 2010, by Dr. Charles T. Hunt and Professor Alex Bellamy.

The Responsibility to Protect and the Protection of Civilians: Asia Pacific in the UN Security Council: Update No. 2 (PDF, 582KB), November 2009.

Implementing the Responsibility to Protect: Asia-Pacific in the 2009 General Assembly Dialogue (PDF, 584KB), October 2009.

Protection of Civilians and the Responsibility to Protect: Perspectives and Precedents in the Asia Pacific (PDF, 574KB), October 2009, by Charles Hunt.

Case Study: Pillar Two and the Regional Assistance Mission to the Solomon Islands (RAMSI) (PDF, 737KB), March 2009. 

The Responsibility to Protect and the Protection of Civilians: Asia-Pacific in the UN Security Council: Update No. 1 (PDF, 509KB), February 2009.

The Responsibility to Protect in Southeast Asia (PDF, 734KB), January 2009.

The Responsibility to Protect and the Protection of Civilians: Asia-Pacific in the UN Security Council (PDF, 97KB), June 2008.

In Larger Freedom: Towards Development, Security and Human Rights for All (PDF, 31KB), 2005, Summary Report by the UN Secretary-General.

APPAP - YCGAP Joint Statement on Myanmar, 21 April 2023, (PDF, 912KB).

Nadi Civil Society Statement on Atrocity Prevention and the Responsibility to Protect, 3-4 November 2021, (PDF, 692KB).

Joint Declaration of the Southeast Asian People-to-People Region Hall on the Crisis in Myanmar, 15 April 2021, (PDF, 137KB).

NGO Open Letter to the Holy See on the Visit of Pope Francis to Iraq, 4 March 2021, (PDF, 425KB).

The Asia Pacific Partnership for Atrocity Prevention (APPAP) Members Statement on the Uighurs, 22 February 2021, (PDF, 166KB).

The Asia Pacific Partnership for Atrocity Prevention (APPAP) Members Statement on Myanmar, 3 February 2021, (PDF, 173KB).

Open Letter of Concern to Governments on Crimes Against Humanity and Genocide Against Uyghurs in China, 15 September 2020, (PDF, 206KB).

APR2P Joint NGO Statement: Without Justice and Recognition the Genocide by ISIS Continues,17 July 2020, (PDF, 363KB).


2021 Report: Overview of Gender Responsive Early Warning Systems - Progress and Gaps (PDF, 2.9MB), by Louise Allen.

2021 Report: Gender-based atrocity crime prevention: Linking the Responsibility to Protect; Women, Peace and Security; and women's rights agendas in the Asia Pacific (PDF, 643KB), by Louise Allen.

2019 Podcast: Gender-based atrocity prevention in the Asia Pacific with Dr Sarah Teitt and Taylor Toovey.

2019 Report: Centralising Gender in Mass Atrocity Prevention: A Tool for Action in the Asia Pacific Region, (PDF, 1.5MB), by Dr Sarah Teitt.

2019 Podcast: What is 'survivor-centred'? International Day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence in Conflict Panel Discussion.

2018 Policy Brief: Gender Parity in Peace Operations: the Elsie Initiative and the Asia Pacific Region, (PDF, 217KB), by Luisa Ryan and Shannon Zimmerman.

Hate Speech 

United Nations 



2023 Article: The Evolving Role of the General Assembly vis-a-vis the Security Council in the Maintenance of Peace, by Rebecca Barber, Journal of International Peacekeeping, vol. 25, no. 4.

2022 Article: What Does the 'Responsibility to Protect' Require of States in Ukraine?, by Rebecca Barber. Journal of International Peacekeeping, vol. 25, no. 2. 

2022 Article: The Role of the General Assembly In Determining the Legitimacy of Governments, by Rebecca Barber, International & Comparative Law Quarterly, vol. 71, no. 3. 

2022 Article: Cooperating Through the General Assembly to End Serious Breaches of Peremptory Norms, by Rebecca Barber, International & Comparative Law Quarterly, vol. 71, no. 1.

2021 Legal Opinion: United Nations Credentials Committee: Representation of the State of Myanmar to the United Nations, by Rebecca Barber et al. 

2021 Article: An Exploration of the General Assembly's Troubled Relationship with Unilateral Sanctions, by Rebecca Barber, International & Comparative Law Quarterly, vol. 70, no. 2. 

2021 Report: The Powers of the UN General Assembly to Prevent and Respond to Atrocity Crimes: A Guidance Document, (PDF, 2.3MB), by Rebecca Barber.

2020 Article: Revisiting the Legal Effect of General Assembly Resolutions: Can an Authorising Competence for the Assembly be Grounded in the Assembly's 'Established Practice', 'Subsequent Practice' or Customary International Law?, by Rebecca Barber, Journal of Conflict and Security Law, vol. 26, no. 1. 

2020 Article: A survey of the General Assembly's competence in matters of international peace and security: in law and practice, by Rebecca Barber, Journal on the Use of Force and International Law, vol. 8, no. 1. 

2020 Book Chapter: Does International Law Permit the Provision of Humanitarian Assistance Without Host State Consent? Territorial Integrity, Necessity and the Determinative Function of the General Assembly, by Rebecca Barber. Part of the Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law, vol. 23 (2020).


The UNGA and Accountability in UkraineLaw and the Future of War, The University of Queensland. Discussion with Rebecca Barber on the power of the General Assembly and its role in providing accountability for actors in the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

Expert Voices on Atrocity Prevention Episode 9B: Rebecca BarberExpert Voices on Atrocity Prevention Podcast, Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect. Discussion with Rebecca Barber on the international response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine and the role of the General Assembly. 

From Russia With WarEJIL: The Podcast!, EJIL: Talk!. Rebecca Barber joins Dapo Akande, Philippa Webb, Marko Milanovic and Mike Becker to discuss the response by the General Assembly and the Security Council to Russia's invasion of Ukraine.


APPAP Members Statement on The Philippines, 29 June 2020, (PDF, 195KB).

Open Letter to the Governments of the World to Support the Work of Atrocity Prevention during the COVID-19 Pandemic May 2020, (PDF, 85KB).

Joint NGO Statement: Humanitarian and Security Implications of the COVID-19 crisis in northern Iraq, April 2020 (PDF, 383KB).

Responding to COVID-19: Joint Statement by civil society organisations for ASEAN to heed the US Secretary-General's calls for a ceasefire, March 2020 (PDF, 712KB).

APR2P Statement on West Papua, September 2019 (PDF, 120KB).

APR2P Statement on the recent violence in Papua New Guinea, July 2019 (PDF, 126KB).

APPAP Statement on Myanmar, June 2019 (PDF, 158KB).

Statement by the Centre's Regional Director during the UN General Assembly Interactive Dialogue, 2016 (PDF, 140 KB).

Statement by the Centre's Director during the UN General Assembly Interactive Dialogue, 2015 (PDF, 263KB).

Statement by the Centre's Director during the UN General Assembly Interactive Dialogue, 2014 (PDF, 62KB).


Policy Briefs


The "R2P Ideas in brief" series provides an overview of R2P's application in international affairs, whether it be in the context of a particular policy area or a particular country. 

Mass Atrocity Early Warning in the UN Secretariat: A Brief Appraisal (PDF, 581KB), September 2023, by Stephen McLoughlin and Jess Gifkins.

Women in International Security: The Value of a Feminist Foreign Policy (PDF, 243KB), February 2020, by Dr. Shannon Zimmerman.

The Persecution of the Uighurs and Potential Crimes Against Humanity in China (PDF, 339KB), April 2019, Joint Policy Brief by APR2P and the Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect.

Gender Parity in Peace Operations: the Elsie Initiative and the Asia Pacific Region (PDF, 217KB), vol. 8, no. 1, 2018, by Luisa Ryan and Shannon Zimmerman.

Responsibility to Protect and UN Peacekeeping (PDF, 533KB), vol. 6, no. 4, 2016, by Dr. Anastasia Shesterinina.

UN Security Council Resolutions and the Responsbility to Protect (PDF, 206KB), vol. 6, no. 3, 2016, by Dr. Jess Gifkins.

China and the Responsbility to Protect (PDF, 406KB), vol. 6, no. 2, 2016, by Dr. Sarah Teitt.

Russia and the Responsibility to Protect (PDF, 216KB), vol. 6, no. 1, 2016, by Dr. Heather Rae and Dr. Phil Orchard.

Strengthening State Resilience for the Prevention of Mass Atrocity Crimes (PDF, 533KB), vol. 5, no. 5, 2015, by Dr. Cecilia Jacob and Dr. Stephen McLoughlin.

France and the Responsibility to Protect (PDF, 494KB), vol. 5, no. 4, 2015, by Eglantine Staunton.

The UK and the Responsibility to Protect (PDF, 506KB), vol. 5, no. 3, 2015, by Jason Ralph.

#R2Pat10: Reflections on the Responsibility to Protect at 10 (PDF, 395KB), vol. 5, no. 2, 2015, by Professor Alex Bellamy.

Brazil and the Responsibility to Protect (PDF, 402KB), vol. 5, no. 1, 2015, by Kai Michael Kenkel.

The United States' Record on Atrocity Prevention: A Model in the Making? (PDF, 563KB), vol.4, no. 7, 2014, by Dr. Jocelyn Vaughn.

ASEAN and the Prevention of Sexual Violence in Conflict and Humanitarian Situations: From Commitment to Practical Action in Southeast Asia (PDF, 179KB), vol. 4, no. 6, 2014, by Dr. Sarah Teitt.

International Assistance and the Responsibility to Protect in Southeast Asia (PDF, 416KB), vol. 4, no. 5, 2014, by Dr. Noel Morada.

Reconsidering Safe Areas as a Means of to Protect Civilians (PDF, 223KB), vol. 4, no. 4, 2014, by Dr. Phil Orchard.

India and the Responsibility to Protect (PDF, 254KB), vol. 4, no. 3, 2014, by Garima Mohan.

The Responsibility to Protect and the International Criminal Court: Complementary or Conflicting? (PDF, 324KB), vol. 4, no. 2, 2014, by Dr. Kurt Mills.

RtoP's Second Pillar: the Responsibility to Assist in Theory and Practice in Solomon Islands (PDF, 392KB), vol. 4, no. 1, 2014, by Dr. Dr. Charles Hawkesley and Dr. Nichole Georgeou.

South Africa and the Responsibility to Protect (PDF 473KB), vol.3, no. 6, 2013, by Faith Mabera and Professor Tim Dunne.

Syria (PDF, 821KB), vol. 3, no. 5, 2013, by Professor Tim Dunne and Professor Alex Bellamy.

ASEAN and the the UN Secretary-General's Report on Responsibility to Protect: State Responsibility and Prevention (PDF, 2.1MB), vol. 3, no. 4, 2013, by Dr. Noel Morada.

UN Peace Operations and 'All Necessary Means' (PDF 684KB), vol. 3, no .3, 2013, by Dr. Charles Hunt.

Realizing Commitments to Women, Peace and Security in Southeast Asia (PDF, 255KB), vol. 3, no. 2, 2013, by Dr. Sarah Teitt and Dr. Sara Davies.

For vol. 3, no. 1 of R2P Policy Briefs, see Myanmar on the R2P in the Asia Pacific page.

For vol. 2, no. 9 of R2P Policy Briefs, see Myanmar on the R2P in the Asia Pacific page.

The Framework Agreement Between the Philippine Government and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF): Prospects for Peace and Implications for R2P (PDF 955KB), vol. 2, no. 8, by Dr. Noel Morada.

ASEAN and the UN GA Dialogue on the SG's Report on Timely and Decisive Response (PDF, 568KB), vol. 2, no. 7, by Dr. Noel Morada.

Pillar II in Focus - The Responsibility to Assist (PDF, 1.6MB), vol. 2, no. 6, by Dr. Charles Hawkesley and Dr. Nichole Georgeou.

The Responsibility to Prevent - Applying a Causal Framework to the 3 Pillars (PDF, 920KB), vol. 2, no. 5, by Dr. Stephen McLoughlin.

Pillar II in Practice: Police Capacity-Building in Oceania (PDF, 816KB), vol. 2, no. 4, by Dr. Charles Hawkesley and Dr. Nichole Georgeou.

A Common Standard for Applying R2P (PDF, 770KB), vol. 2, no. 3, 2012, by Professor Sheri Rosenberg and Ekkehard Strauss.

Operationalizing the Responsibility to Prevent (PDF, 734KB), vol. 2, no. 2, 2012, by Jennifer Welsh and Dr. Serena Sharma.

Regime-Induced Displacement as an R2P challenge (PDF, 607KB), vol. 2, no. 1, 2012, by Dr. Phil Orchard.

For vol. 1, no. 3 of R2P Policy Briefs, see Vietnam on the R2P in the Asia Pacific page.

For vol. 1, no. 2 of R2P Policy Briefs, see Myanmar on the R2P in the Asia Pacific page.

Libya and the State of Intervention (PDF, 775KB), vol. 1, no. 1, 2011, by Professor Tim Dunne.


 R2P Journal  

Global Responsibility to Protect (GR2P) is APR2P's premier journal for the study and practice of R2P. The journal seeks to publish the latest and best research on the R2P principle, its development as a new norm in global politics, and its operationalisation through the work of governments, NGOs and international and regional bodies. It also seeks to explore the relationship and applicability of R2P to past and present cases of genocide and mass atrocity crimes, and the international response to those cases. GR2P also serves as a repository for lessons learned and analysis of best practices; it will disseminate information about the current status of R2P and efforts to realise its promise. Each issue contains research articles and at least one piece on the practicalities of R2P, be that the current state of R2P diplomacy or its application in the field.