R2P and Atrocity Prevention in Asia and the Pacific

The Centre conducts research and publishes reports on meetings, workshops and issues relating to the Responsibility to Protect (R2P) in countries throughout the Asia Pacific. In this section, relevant reports relating to R2P can be found for each country in the region, along with overviews and details of relevant partner programs. 

Implementing The Responsibility To Protect In The Asia Pacific - An Assessment of Progress and Challenges 2019 (PDF, 5.3MB) is the Centre's overarching research of the area, and provides an assessment of the implementation of R2P for each country in the region, as of October 2019. The assessment was based on the Secretary-General's Annual Reports on R2P, and the Framework of Analysis for Atrocity Crimes (accessible from the Core R2P Documents page). This assessment forms a 'baseline' of the region, so research in future years can measure progress (or regression) of R2P within each country over time.

 In 2023  this Baseline R2P assessment was updated buidling on the past two years reports. Read it here: Implementening the Responsibility to Protect in the Asia Pacific: An Assessment of Progress of Challnges, 2023/24 (PDF, 725 KB) The full country reports have also been updated and can be found below. In 2022  the R2P Baseline  was updated  Implementing the Responsibility to Protect In The Asia Pacific - An Assessment of Progress and Challenges (PDF, 1.8MB) and measures improvements and decreases in R2P throughout the Asia Pacific in the preceding two years. 

All associated technical annexes described in both the 2019 and 2022 versions, which provide detailed assessment for each country, can be found in each respective country sections.


Flag of Australia

R2P 2019 Baseline Overview

Australia's Baseline Assessment Annex (PDF, 1.3MB) analyses the country's implementation of the R2P principle and offers an evaluation rating based on how closely their policies and initiatives match the goals set out in the Secretary-General's Framework.

R2P 2023 Updated Overview

Australia's Updated R2P Assessment (PDF, 800 KB) updates the baseline data of R2P implementation in the country, and idenitifies the emerging trends in its R2P-implementation. 

Centre Publications

2008 Submission Paper: Joint Submission by APR2P and act for peace to the Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade: Inquiry into Australia's Relationship with ASEAN (PDF, 142KB).

2008 Submission Paper: Joint Submission by APR2P and act for peace to the 2008 Defence White Paper (PDF, 201KB).

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Flag of Vanuatu

R2P 2022 Baseline Overview

Vanuatu's Baseline Assessment 2022 (PDF, 734KB) analyses the country's implementation of the R2P principle and offers evaluation ratings based on how closely their policies and initiatives match the goals set out in the UN Secretary-General's Framework and Annual Reports.

R2P 2023 Updated Overview

Vanuatu's Updated R2P Assessment (PDF, 1,5 MB) updates the baseline data of R2P implementation in the country, and idenitifies the emerging trends in its R2P-implementation. 

Centre Publications

For up-to-date information about Vanuatu and R2P, visit the Early Warning and Risk Assessments page for the corresponding Risk Assessment and Regional Outlook summaries.

Top of page


Flag of Timor Leste

R2P 2019 Baseline Overview

Timor-Leste's Baseline Assessment Annex (PDF, 728KB) analyses the country's implementation of the R2P principle and offers an evaluation rating based on how closely their policies and initiatives match the goals set out in the Secretary-General's Framework.

R2P 2022 Updated Overview

Timor-Leste's Updated R2P Assessment (PDF, 647KB) updates the baseline data of R2P implementation in the country, and provides details on where it has improved or declined in protecting its populations from atrocity crimes. 

R2P 2023 Updated Overview

Timor-Leste's Updated R2P Assessment (PDF, 825 KB) updates the baseline data of R2P implementation in the country, and idenitifies the emerging trends in its R2P-implementation. 

Centre Publications

For up-to-date information about Timor-Leste and R2P, visit the Early Warning and Risk Assessments page for the corresponding Risk Assessment and Regional Outlook summaries.

Top of page


Flag of Fiji

R2P 2019 Baseline Overview

Fiji's Baseline Assessment Annex (PDF, 783KB) analyses the country's implementation of the R2P principle and offers an evaluation rating based on how closely their policies and initiatives match the goals set out in the Secretary-General's Framework.

R2P 2022 Updated Overview

Fiji's Updated R2P Assessment (PDF, 751KB) updates the baseline data of R2P implementation in the country, and provides details on where it has improved or declined in protecting its populations from atrocity crimes. 

R2P 2023 Updated Overview

Fiji's Updated R2P Assessment (PDF, 1,7 MB) updates the baseline data of R2P implementation in the country, and idenitifies the emerging trends in its R2P-implementation. 

Centre Publications

For up-to-date information about Fiji and R2P, visit the Early Warning and Atrocity Prevention page to see the corresponding Risk Assessments.

Top of page

Solomon Islands

Flag of Solomon Islands

R2P 2019 Baseline Overview

Solomon Islands' Baseline Assessment Annex (PDF, 682KB) analyses the country's implementation of the R2P principle and offers an evaluation rating based on how closely their policies and initiatives match the goals set out in the Secretary-General's Framework.

R2P 2022 Updated Overview

Solomon Islands' Updated R2P Assessment (PDF, 638KB) updates the baseline data of R2P implementation in the country, and provides details on where it has improved or declined in protecting its populations from atrocity crimes. 

R2P 2023 Updated Overview

Solomon Islands Updated R2P Assessment (PDF, 632 KB) updates the baseline data of R2P implementation in the country, and idenitifies the emerging trends in its R2P-implementation. 

Centre Publications

For up-to-date information about the Solomon Islands and R2P, visit the Early Warning and Risk Assessments page for the corresponding Risk Assessment and Regional Outlook summaries.

Top of page

Brunei Darussalam

Flag of Brunei

R2P 2019 Baseline Overview

Brunei's Baseline Assessment Annex (PDF, 738KB) analyses the country's implementation of the R2P principle and offers an evaluation rating based on how closely their policies and initiatives match the goals set out in the Secretary-General's Framework.

R2P 2022 Updated Overview

Brunei's Updated R2P Assessment (PDF, 644KB) updates the baseline data of R2P implementation in the country, and provides details on where it has improved or declined in protecting its populations from atrocity crimes. 

R2P 2023 Updated Overview

Brunei's Updated R2P Assessment (PDF, 1,0 MB) updates the baseline data of R2P implementation in the country, and idenitifies the emerging trends in its R2P-implementation. 

Top of page

New Zealand

Flag of New Zealand

R2P 2019 Baseline Overview 

New Zealand's Baseline Assessment Annex (PDF, 906KB) analyses the country's implementation of the R2P principle and offers an evaluation rating based on how closely their policies and initiatives match the goals set out in the Secretary-General's Framework.

R2P 2022 Updated Overview

New Zealand's Updated R2P Assessment (PDF, 831KB) updates the baseline data of R2P implementation in the country, and provides details on where it has improved or declined in protecting its populations from atrocity crimes. 

R2P 2023 Updated Overview

New Zealand''s Updated R2P Assessment (PDF, 1,3 MB) updates the baseline data of R2P implementation in the country, and idenitifies the emerging trends in its R2P-implementation. 

Top of page

Papua New Guinea

Flag of Papua New Guinea

R2P 2019 Baseline Overview

Papua New Guinea's Baseline Assessment Annex (PDF, 702KB) analyses the country's implementation of the R2P principle and offers an evaluation rating based on how closely their policies and initiatives match the goals set out in the Secretary-General's Framework.

R2P 2022 Updated Overview

Papua New Guinea's Updated R2P Assessment (PDF, 645KB) updates the baseline data of R2P implementation in the country, and provides details on where it has improved or declined in protecting its populations from atrocity crimes. 

R2P 2023 Updated Overview

Papua New Guinea's Updated R2P Assessment (PDF, 900 KB) updates the baseline data of R2P implementation in the country, and idenitifies the emerging trends in its R2P-implementation. 

Centre Publications

For up-to-date information about Papua New Guinea and R2P, visit the Early Warning and Risk Assessments page for the corresponding Risk Assessment and Regional Outlook summaries.

Top of page


Flag of Malaysia

R2P 2019 Baseline Overview

Malaysia's Baseline Assessment Annex (PDF, 1.3MB) analyses the country's implementation of the R2P principle and offers an evaluation rating based on how closely their policies and initiatives match the goals set out in the Secretary-General's Framework.

R2P 2022 Updated Overview

Malaysia's Updated R2P Assessment (PDF, 731KB) updates the baseline data of R2P implementation in the country, and provides details on where it has improved or declined in protecting its populations from atrocity crimes. 

R2P 2023 Updated Overview

Malaysia's Updated R2P Assessment (PDF, 803 KB) updates the baseline data of R2P implementation in the country, and idenitifies the emerging trends in its R2P-implementation. 

Centre Publications

Issue 30, May 2016 Spotlight: Malaysia: Atrocities Prevention Workshop and the HLAP Report Public Seminar (PDF, 2.1MB), by Dr. Noel Morada.

2015 Op-ed in Global Observatory: Protecting the Rohingya: Delivering on a Shared Responsibility, by Prof. Alex Bellamy.

2014 Op-ed in Global Observatory: To Build Regional Community, Southeast Asian Leaders Advocate for "Responsibility to Protect", by Prof. Alex Bellamy.

Top of page


Flag of Cambodia

R2P 2019 Baseline Overview

Cambodia's Baseline Assessment Annex (PDF, 877KB) analyses the country's implementation of the R2P principle and offers an evaluation rating based on how closely their policies and initiatives match the goals set out in the Secretary-General's Framework.

R2P 2022 Updated Overview

Cambodia's Updated R2P Assessment (PDF, 877KB) updates the baseline data of R2P implementation in the country, and provides details on where it has improved or declined in protecting its populations from atrocity crimes. 

R2P 2023 Updated Overview

Cambodia's Updated R2P Assessment (PDF, 1,4 MB) updates the baseline data of R2P implementation in the country, and idenitifies the emerging trends in its R2P-implementation. 

Centre Publications

For up-to-date information about Cambodia and R2P, visit the Early Warning and Risk Assessments page for the corresponding Risk Assessment and Regional Outlook summaries.

SPOTLIGHT Cambodia: Capacity Building Workshop on "Lessons Learned for ASEAN regarding Civil-Military Relations and Atrocities Prevention" (PDF, 445KB), January 2023.

SPOTLIGHT Cambodia Public Seminar: The Ukraine War: Implications for International Laws, R2P, and Southeast Asia (PDF, 785KB), January 2023.

SPOTLIGHT Cambodia Public Seminar: Reflections on the Khmer Rouge Tribunal: Its Past, Present, and Possible Futures (PDF, 645KB), January 2023.

Cambodian R2P Program 2021: The Significance of the Responsibility to Protect (R2P) in Myanmar (PDF, 423KB), March 2022.

Cambodian R2P Program 2021: Virtual Seminar on "Responding to the Myanmar Crisis: The Role of the UN and ASEAN" (PDF, 462KB), March 2022.

Cambodian R2P Program 2021: How Can International Mechanisms be Effectively Applied in The National Context to Prevent Atrocities? (PDF, 335KB), March 2022.

Cambodian R2P Program 2021: "ASEAN's Role in Managing the Myanmar Crisis" (PDF, 382KB), March 2022.

The 45th Anniversary of Khmer Rouge Victory: What Lessons Could Cambodia Share? (PDF, 974KB), April 2021.

The Responsibility to Protect at 15: Challenges and Future Prospects (PDF, 1.6MB), April 2021.

Issue 43, September 2017 Spotlight: Second National Dialogue on R2P and Atrocities Prevention, (PDF, 575KB), based on the summary report by Prof. Pou Sovachana and Charadine Pich.

Issue 34, October 2016 Spotlight: Cambodia: National Dialogue on R2P and Atrocity Prevention, (PDF, 3.1MB), by Dr. Noel Morada.

Issue 24, October 2015 Spotlight: Phnom Penh Public Seminar: High Level Advisory Panel's Report on Mainstreaming Responsibility to Protect in Southeast Asia, (PDF, 1.5MB), by Dr. Noel Morada.

Issue 22, September 2015 Spotlight: Promoting Responsibility to Protect in Cambodia: What Role for Academia? (PDF, 1.1MB), by Prof. Pou Sovachana.

Issue 13, September 2014 Spotlight: Promoting the Responsibility to Protect in ASEAN: What role for Cambodia? (PDF, 861KB), by Dr. Noel Morada.

2010 Working Paper: The Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia and the Responsibility to Protect (PDF, 1.2MB), by Rebecca Gidley.

2010 Workshop Report: Workshop on Responsibility to Protect Constituency Building in Cambodia (PDF, 2.2MB), by Dr. Sarah Teitt.

Top of page


Flag of China

R2P 2019 Baseline Overview

China's Baseline Assessment Annex (PDF, 1MB) analyses the country's implementation of the R2P principle and offers an evaluation rating based on how closely their policies and initiatives match the goals set out in the Secretary-General's Framework.

R2P 2022 Updated Overview

China's Updated R2P Assessment (PDF, 976KB) updates the baseline data of R2P implementation in the country, and provides details on where it has improved or declined in protecting its populations from atrocity crimes. 

R2P 2023 Updated Overview

China's Updated R2P Assessment (PDF, 1,6 MB) updates the baseline data of R2P implementation in the country, and idenitifies the emerging trends in its R2P-implementation. 

Centre Publications

For up-to-date information about China and R2P, visit the Early Warning and Risk Assessments page for the corresponding Regional Outlook summaries.

Issue 59, September 2019 Spotlight: Fifth Annual China-Australia Dialogue on the Responsibility to Protect (PDF, 1.1MB).

Issue 45, July 2018 Spotlight: Fourth Annual China-Australia Dialogue on the Responsibility to Protect: Peacekeeping and Accountability for Atrocity Prevention (PDF, 1.6MB), by Dr. Sarah Teitt.

Issue 36, February 2017 Spotlight: Third Annual China-Australia Dialogue on the Responsibility to Protect: The Role of Peacekeeping in Atrocities Prevention (PDF, 1.1MB).

Issue 35, December 2016 Spotlight: Third Annual China-Australia Dialogue on the Responsibility to Protect (PDF, 519KB), key note address by Mr. Ivan Simonovic, Special Advisor to the UN Secretary-General on the Responsibility to Protect.

Issue 25, December 2015 Spotlight: Second Annual China-Australia Dialogue on the Responsibility to Protect (PDF, 3.0MB), by Dr. Sarah Teitt.

Issue 16, November 2014 Spotlight: First Annual Dialogue between Chinese Institute of International Studies and the Asia Pacific Centre for the Responsibility to Protect (PDF, 1.4MB), by Dr. Sarah Teitt.

2014 R2P Ideas in Brief: China and the International Humanitarian Order (PDF, 444KB), by Dr. Sarah Teitt.

2008 Report: China and the Responsibility to Protect (PDF, 130KB), by Dr. Sarah Teitt.

Top of page

Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea)

Flag of North Korea

R2P 2019 Baseline Overview

The Democratic People's Republic of Korea's (DPRK) Baseline Assessment Annex (PDF, 755KB) analyses the country's implementation of the R2P principle and offers an evaluation rating based on how closely their policies and initiatives match the goals set out in the Secretary-General's Framework.

R2P 2022 Updated Overview

The DPRK's Updated R2P Assessment (PDF, 587KB) updates the baseline data of R2P implementation in the country, and provides details on where it has improved or declined in protecting its populations from atrocity crimes. 

R2P 2023 Updated Overview

DPRK's Updated R2P Assessment (PDF, 1MB) updates the baseline data of R2P implementation in the country, and idenitifies the emerging trends in its R2P-implementation. 

Centre Publications

For up-to-date information about the DPRK and R2P, visit the Early Warning and Risk Assessments page to see the corresponding Risk Assessment and Regional Outlook summaries. Alternatively, you can email the Centre's Director Prof. Alex Bellamy at a.bellamy@uq.edu.au.

Top of page


Flag of Japan

R2P 2019 Baseline Overview

Japan's Baseline Assessment Annex (PDF, 1.3MB) analyses the country's implementation of the R2P principle and offers an evaluation rating based on how closely their policies and initiatives match the goals set out in the Secretary-General's Framework.

R2P 2022 Updated Overview

Japan's Updated R2P Assessment (PDF, 566KB) updates the baseline data of R2P implementation in the country, and provides details on where it has improved or declined in protecting its populations from atrocity crimes. 

R2P 2023 Updated Overview

Japan'd Updated R2P Assessment (PDF, 1,3 MB) updates the baseline data of R2P implementation in the country, and idenitifies the emerging trends in its R2P-implementation. 

Centre Publications

April 2023 Spotlight: Second Japan National Dialogue on the Responsibility to Protect and Atrocities Prevention (PDF, 5.5MB).

March 2022 Spotlight: Japan R2P Project 2021: First National Dialogue on R2P and Atrocities Prevention (PDF, 663KB). 

2009 Centre Report: Update Report: Japan and the Crisis in Sri Lanka (PDF, 238KB).

2008 Centre Report: Japan and the Republic of Korea on the Responsibility to Protect (PDF, 172KB).

Top of page

Lao People's Democratic Republic (Laos)

Flag of Laos

R2P 2019 Baseline Overview

The Lao People's Democratic Republic's (Laos) Baseline Assessment Annex (PDF, 1.3MB) analyses the country's implementation of the R2P principle and offers an evaluation rating based on how closely their policies and initiatives match the goals set out in the Secretary-General's Framework.

R2P 2022 Updated Overview

Laos' Updated R2P Assessment (PDF, 777KB) updates the baseline data of R2P implementation in the country, and provides details on where it has improved or declined in protecting its populations from atrocity crimes. 

R2P 2023 Updated Overview

Lao's Updated R2P Assessment (PDF, 1,3 MB) updates the baseline data of R2P implementation in the country, and idenitifies the emerging trends in its R2P-implementation. 

Centre Publications

For up-to-date information about the Lao People's Democratic Republic and R2P, visit the Early Warning and Risk Assessments page for the corresponding Risk Assessments and Regional Outlook summaries.

Top of page

Republic of Korea (South Korea)

Flag of South Korea

R2P 2019 Baseline Overview

South Korea's Baseline Assessment Annex (PDF, 941KB) analyses the country's implementation of the R2P principle and offers an evaluation rating based on how closely their policies and initiatives match the goals set out in the Secretary-General's Framework.

R2P 2022 Updated Overview

South Korea's Updated R2P Assessment (PDF, 843KB) updates the baseline data of R2P implementation in the country, and provides details on where it has improved or declined in protecting its populations from atrocity crimes. 

R2P 2023 Updated Overview

South Korea's Updated R2P Assessment (PDF, 1,2 MB) updates the baseline data of R2P implementation in the country, and idenitifies the emerging trends in its R2P-implementation. 

Centre Publications

2008 Centre Report: Japan and the Republic of Korea on the Responsibility to Protect (PDF, 172KB).

Top of page


Flag of Mongolia

R2P 2019 Baseline Overview

Mongolia's Baseline Assessment Annex (PDF, 1.4MB) analyses the country's implementation of the R2P principle and offers an evaluation rating based on how closely their policies and initiatives match the goals set out in the Secretary-General's Framework.

R2P 2022 Updated Overview

Mongolia's Updated R2P Assessment (PDF, 840KB) updates the baseline data of R2P implementation in the country, and provides details on where it has improved or declined in protecting its populations from atrocity crimes. 

R2P 2023 Updated Overview

Mongolia's Updated R2P Assessment (PDF, 1,6 MB) updates the baseline data of R2P implementation in the country, and idenitifies the emerging trends in its R2P-implementation. 

Top of page

Myanmar (Burma)

Flag of Myanmar

R2P 2019 Baseline Overview

Myanmar's Baseline Assessment Annex (PDF, 1.2MB) analyses the country's implementation of the R2P principle and offers an evaluation rating based on how closely their policies and initiatives match the goals set out in the Secretary-General's Framework.

R2P 2022 Updated Overview

Myanmar's Updated R2P Assessment (PDF, 665KB) updates the baseline data of R2P implementation in the country, and provides details on where it has improved or declined in protecting its populations from atrocity crimes. 

R2P 2023 Updated Overview

Myanmar's Updated R2P Assessment (PDF, 1,3 MB) updates the baseline data of R2P implementation in the country, and idenitifies the emerging trends in its R2P-implementation. 

Centre Publications

For up-to-date information about Myanmar and R2P, visit the Early Warning and Risk Assessments page for the corresponding Risk Assessments and Regional Outlook summaries.

April 2023: ASEAN and the Myanmar Humanitarian Crisis: Overcoming Challenges and Identifying Pathways (PDF, 1.4MB), by Professor Mely Caballero-Anthony.

September 2021 APR2P Report: Atrocity crimes in Myanmar? Assessing violence in the wake of the 1 February 2021 attempted coup (PDF, 1.0MB), by Sophie Ryan and Genevieve Feely. 

April 2021 APR2P Report: Myanmar and the Responsibility to Protect (PDF, 471KB), by Dr. Noel Morada.

Issue 39, August 2017 Spotlight: APR2P hosts public seminar - Myanmar Human Rights and Democracy: Progress and Deadlocks (PDF, 1.5MB).

December 2016 Protection Gateway Blog Statement: Action needed to resolve Rakhine Crisis (PDF, 73KB), by Dr. Noel Morada, Prof. Alex Bellamy and Dr. Sarah Teitt.

October 2016 Protection Gateway Blog Update: The Situation in Rakhine, Myanmar (PDF, 38KB), by Dr. Noel Morada, Prof. Alex Bellamy and Dr. Sarah Teitt.

2016 Op-ed in Global Observatory: The 21st Century Panglong: Myanmar's New Hope for Peace, by Prof. Alex Bellamy.

Issue 27, April 2016 Spotlight: Myanmar and Minority Protection under the NLD: Challenges and Opportunities (PDF, 852KB), by Dr. Noel Morada.

2015 Op-ed in Global Observatory: Protecting the Rohingya: Delivering on a Shared Responsibility, by Prof. Alex Bellamy.

Issue 20a, July 2015 Spotlight: Preventing Election Violence in Myanmar: Challenges and Prospects (PDF, 4.2MB), by Dr. Noel Morada.

2015 Press Release: Responsibility to Protect and the Prevention of Election Violence in Myanmar, (PDF, 226KB), by Dr. Noel Morada.

2013 R2P Ideas in Brief, vol. 3, no. 1: Growing Ethnic Tensions in Myanmar and Indonesia: R2P and Promotion of Communal Dialogue, (PDF, 710KB), by Dr. Noel Morada.

2012 R2P Ideas in Brief, vol. 2, no. 9: ASEAN, the Rohingyas and Myanmar's Responsibility to Protect, (PDF, 931KB), by Dr. Noel Morada.

2011 R2P Ideas in Brief, vol. 1, no. 2: Burma/Myanmar Spring: Surreal or so real?, (PDF, 529KB), by Dr. Noel Morada.

2008 Centre Report: Cyclone Nargis and the Responsibility to Protect: Myanmar/Burma Briefing No. 2, (PDF, 397KB).

Top of page

The Philippines

Flag of The Philippines

R2P 2019 Baseline Overview

The Philippines' Baseline Assessment Annex (PDF, 668KB) analyses the country's implementation of the R2P principle and offers an evaluation rating based on how closely their policies and initiatives match the goals set out in the Secretary-General's Framework.

R2P 2022 Updated Overview

The Philippines' Updated R2P Assessment (PDF, 611KB) updates the baseline data of R2P implementation in the country, and provides details on where it has improved or declined in protecting its populations from atrocity crimes. 

R2P 2023 Updated Overview

The Phillipines Updated R2P Assessment (PDF, 1,1 MB) updates the baseline data of R2P implementation in the country, and idenitifies the emerging trends in its R2P-implementation. 

Centre Publications

For up-to-date information about The Philippines and R2P, visit the Early Warning and Risk Assessments page for the corresponding Risk Assessment and Regional Outlook summaries.

April 2023 Spotlight: Executive Seminar on Gender and Transitional Justice (PDF, 584KB).

2014 Op-ed in Global Observatory: To Build Regional Community, Southeast Asian Leaders Advocate for "Responsibility to Protect", by Prof. Alex Bellamy.

2009 Inventory Report: R2P and Civil Society Organisations in The Philippines (PDF, 543KB)

2009 Workshop Report: R2P Constituency Building in The Philippines (PDF, 801KB).

Top of page


Flag of Singapore

R2P 2019 Baseline Overview

Singapore's Baseline Assessment Annex (PDF, 773KB) analyses the country's implementation of the R2P principle and offers an evaluation rating based on how closely their policies and initiatives match the goals set out in the Secretary-General's Framework.

R2P 2022 Updated Overview

Singapore's Updated R2P Assessment (PDF, 692KB) updates the baseline data of R2P implementation in the country, and provides details on where it has improved or declined in protecting its populations from atrocity crimes. 

R2P 2023 Updated Overview

Singapore's Updated R2P Assessment (PDF, 900 KB) updates the baseline data of R2P implementation in the country, and idenitifies the emerging trends in its R2P-implementation. 


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Flag of Thailand

R2P 2019 Baseline Overview

Thailand's Baseline Assessment Annex (PDF, 934KB) analyses the country's implementation of the R2P principle and offers an evaluation rating based on how closely their policies and initiatives match the goals set out in the Secretary-General's Framework.

R2P 2022 Updated Overview

Thailand's Updated R2P Assessment (PDF, 857KB) updates the baseline data of R2P implementation in the country, and provides details on where it has improved or declined in protecting its populations from atrocity crimes. 

R2P 2023 Updated Overview

Thailand's Updated R2P Assessment (PDF, 1,2 MB) updates the baseline data of R2P implementation in the country, and idenitifies the emerging trends in its R2P-implementation. 

Centre Publications

For up-to-date information about Thailand and R2P, visit the Early Warning and Risk Assessments page for the corresponding Risk Assessment and Regional Outlook summaries.

April 2023 Spotlight: Thailand National Dialogue on the Responsibility to Protect (PDF, 3.3MB).

April 2022 Spotlight: Thailand R2P Program 2021: National Dialogue on Atrocities Prevention: "Next Steps for Atrocity Prevention in Thailand and Southeast Asia" (PDF, 651KB).

Report: Ad hoc and as usual: Thai Government's Responses to the Myanmar Crisis since the 2021 Coup (PDF, 977KB), by Bhanubhatra Jittiang, Worrawit Sirijintana, and Thanawit Wangpuchakane.

Issue 54, November 2018 Spotlight: Second Thai National Dialogue on Atrocities Prevention: Locating Violence and Possibilities for Application of R2P in the Thai Context (PDF, 418KB), by Pranee Thiparat.

Issue 53, October 2018 Spotlight: First National Dialogue on Atrocity Prevention: Locating R2P in the Thai Context 2017  (PDF, 469KB).

2015 Op-ed in Global Observatory: Protecting the Rohingya: Delivering on a Shared Resonsibility, by Prof. Alex Bellamy.

Issue 19, April 2015 Spotlight: Public Seminars on the High Level Advisory Panel's (HLAP) Report on Mainstreaming R2P in Southeast Asia: Bangkok and Jakarta (PDF, 2.0MB), by Dr. Noel Morada.

2014 Op-ed in Global Observatory: To Build Regional Community, Southeast Asian Leaders Advocate for "Responsibility to Protect", by Prof. Alex Bellamy.

Issue 8, April 2014 Spotlight: Prevention of Atrocity Crimes in the ASEAN region: the Role of Parliamentarians (PDF, 464KB), by Dr. Noel Morada.

Top of page


Flag of Indonesia

R2P 2019 Baseline Overview

Indonesia's Baseline Assessment Annex (PDF, 1.3MB) analyses the country's implementation of the R2P principle and offers an evaluation rating based on how closely their policies and initiatives match the goals set out in the Secretary-General's Framework.

R2P 2022 Updated Overview

Indonesia's Updated R2P Assessment (PDF, 804KB) updates the baseline data of R2P implementation in the country, and provides details on where it has improved or declined in protecting its populations from atrocity crimes. 

R2P 2023 Updated Overview

Indonesia's Updated R2P Assessment (PDF, 1,6 MB) updates the baseline data of R2P implementation in the country, and idenitifies the emerging trends in its R2P-implementation. 

Centre Publications

For up-to-date information about Indonesia and R2P, visit the Early Warning and Risk Assessments page for the corresponding Risk Assessment and Regional Outlook summaries.

April 2023 Spotlight: Public Seminar on National Collective Violence Database in 2022: Findings and Analysis (PDF, 362KB).

Issue 52, September 2018 Spotlight: Third Indonesian National Dialogue on the UN Framework of Analysis for Risk of Atrocities 2018 (PDF, 2.8MB).

Issue 42, September 2017 Spotlight: Second Indonesian National Dialogue on R2P and Atrocities Prevention (PDF, 1.9MB), by Dr. Noel Morada and Lina Alexander. 

Issue 33, October 2016 Spotlight: Indonesia: National Dialogue on R2P and Atrocities Prevention (PDF, 1.9MB), by Dr. Noel Morada and Lina Alexander.

Issue 26, March 2016 Spotlight: Developing and Strengthening National Mechanisms for Atrocities Prevention in Indonesia (PDF, 577KB), by Dr. Noel Morada.

2015 Op-ed in Global Observatory: Protecting the Rohingya: Delivering on a Shared Responsibility, by Prof. Alex Bellamy.

Issue 19, April 2015 Spotlight: Public Seminars on the High Level Advisory Panel's (HLAP) Report on Mainstreaming R2P in Southeast Asia: Bangkok and Jakarta (PDF, 2.0MB), by Dr. Noel Morada.

Issue 18, March 2015 Spotlight: APR2P/HRWG/ATAP Seminar on the Role of Parliament in Mass Atrocity Prevention (PDF, 2.4MB), by Dr. Noel Morada.

2014 Op-ed in Global Observatory: To Build Regional Community, Southeast Asian Leaders Advocate for "Responsibility to Protect", by Prof. Alex Bellamy.

Issue 11, July 2014 Spotlight: Preventing Mass Atrocities: The Role of Parliamentarians and Civil Society Groups in Indonesia (PDF, 578KB), by Dr. Noel Morada.

2014 Workshop Report: ASEAN and the Prevention of Violence Against Women in Conflict and Humanitarian Situations, (PDF, 1.5MB).

2010 Research Report: Indonesia and Post-New Order Reforms: Challenges and Opportunties for Promoting the Responsibility to Protect (PDF, 990KB), by Annie Pohlman.

2009 Workshop Report: Peacekeeping and Civilian Protection: Asia Pacific Perspectives (PDF, 2.6MB).

2009 Centre Report: Regional Workshop on Peacekeeping and Civilian Protection (PDF, 295KB).

Top of page


Flag of Vietnam

R2P 2019 Baseline Overview

Vietnam's Baseline Assessment Annex (PDF, 789KB) analyses the country's implementation of the R2P principle and offers an evaluation rating based on how closely their policies and initiatives match the goals set out in the Secretary-General's Framework.

R2P 2022 Updated Overview

Vietnam's Updated R2P Assessment (PDF, 714KB) updates the baseline data of R2P implementation in the country, and provides details on where it has improved or declined in protecting its populations from atrocity crimes. 

R2P 2023 Updated Overview

Vietnam's Updated R2P Assessment (PDF, 1,0 MB) updates the baseline data of R2P implementation in the country, and idenitifies the emerging trends in its R2P-implementation. 

Centre Publications

2015 Op-ed in Global Observatory: Protecting the Rohingya: Delivering on a Shared Responsibility, by Prof. Alex Bellamy.

2014 Op-ed in Global Observatory: To Build Regional Community: Southeast Asian Leaders Advocate for "Responsibility to Protect", by Prof. Alex Bellamy.

2011 Working Paper: The Responsibility to Protect in Viet Nam: Challenges, Opportunities and Cases for Implementation (PDF, 1.2MB), by Joanne Cotton and Annie Pohlman.

2011 R2P Ideas in Brief vol. 1, no. 3: Ethnic Minority Protection in Viet Nam: An R2P Challenge (PDF, 736KB), by Joanne Cotton and Annie Pohlman.

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