The Responsibility to Protect in the Asia Pacific

The Centre conducts research and publishes reports on meetings, workshops and issues relating to the Responsibility to Protect (R2P) in countries throughout the Asia Pacific. In this section, relevant reports relating to R2P can be found for each country in the region, along with overviews and details of relevant partner programs. 

Implementing The Responsibility To Protect In The Asia Pacific - An Assessment of Progress and Challenges 2019 (PDF, 5.3MB) is the Centre's overarching research of the area, and provides an assessment of the implementation of R2P for each country in the region, as of October 2019. The assessment was based on the Secretary-General's Annual Reports on R2P, and the Framework of Analysis for Atrocity Crimes (accessible from the Core R2P Documents page). This assessment forms a 'baseline' of the region, so research in future years can measure progress (or regression) of R2P within each country over time.

Thus the long term objective of the Baseline Assessments is to identify and develop policies, initiatives and practices from these assessments, that can positively contribute to the implementation of R2P throughout the region and into the future.

2023 Update

This report is an updated assesment of R2P throughout the Asia Pacifiic, buidling on the past two years reports. Read it here: Implementening the Responsibility to Protect in the Asia Pacific: An Assessment of Progress of Challnges, 2023/24 (PDF, 725 KB) The full country reports have also been updated and can be found below.

2022 Update

Implementing the Responsibility to Protect In The Asia Pacific - An Assessment of Progress and Challenges (PDF, 1.8MB) has now been updated for May 2022. Building on the previous version, it measures improvements and decreases in R2P throughout the Asia Pacific in the last two years. 

The associated technical annexes described in both the 2019 and 2022 versions, which provide more details of the assessment findings for each country, can be found below under the respective country sections.